
Music and Worship

St. John's has a terrific chime choir. Hand chimes are similar to hand bells, but they are less expensive, both to purchase and to maintain. They have a very lovely sound quality and add a lot to our special services. Our chime choir has played on Reformation Sunday, at our Sunday school pageant, and for our Christmas Eve service.

St. John’s chime choir is open to all young people from the 5th to the 12th grades. Our chime choir works as a team; any new inexperienced members are helped by

our more experienced members. We meet on Sunday morning right after the 10:00am service until 12:00 noon from September thru December.

Our chime choir is under the umbrella of our St. John’s youth group. If you are a young person and are looking for a way to serve God thru the ministry of music, please speak to Janet Powell or Lori Fernez, our youth group advisors, or to me, or to any one of our chime choir members and we would be glad to help you.

Allison Koehler
Chime Choir Director



St. John's has a wonderful women's choir. We sing at the 10:00am Sunday service from September thru June. We also sing at some evening services. For special services such as Christmas Eve and Easter, we are fortunate to have men join us in singing to the glory of God.

The choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm for about an hour and a half. We sing an anthem each week and lead the congregation in much of the service music. Our organist, Judy Opatow works with me to help the choir sing to the glory of our Lord.

If you love to sing and are looking for a way to serve God at St. John’s, please speak to me, Judy or any member of our choir for more information. Also if you play an instrument and would like to share your talent with St. John's, please speak with either Judy or I. We would love to have you.

Allison Koehler
Choir Director

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