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Music and Worship

The Worship and Music Committee works closely with our Pastor to plan services and fellowship programs throughout the church year. The committee looks to change the worship format as the season of the church year changes. It also works with the larger church to remain aware of enhancements or changes that should be incorporated with the worship of St. John-Incarnation.

Pastor's contribution to the committee is important to ensure that the worship remains consistent with our Lutheran theology. Yet, the committee as a whole also strives to represent the congregation’s wishes and concerns within the worship programs.

In addition to planning services and recommending liturgy, the committee is instrumental in coordinating the decoration of the church to reflect each season of the church year.

Participation on the committee offers an opportunity to see what goes on behind the scenes with our liturgy and worship. The committee meets at 7:30PM on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. Please join us.



Evangelism Evangelism is an earnest effort for the spreading of the Gospel, the good news of what God has done and continues to do for us through Christ. The members of the evangelism committee do their best to greet and welcome guests to St. John-Incarnation Lutheran Church. We reach out to any non-member parents and families of our regular Sunday School students, inviting them to share more deeply in the life of St. John's through worship and other events.

We seek to help our members stay connected to St. John-Incarnation. When we notice someone has not been here for a while, we will send them a note, phone call or a visit. We also stay connected with our homebound through cards for special occasions, phone calls, visits and altar flowers.

We participate in outreach in our local community. One such means is this website, as well as press releases in the local newspapers. We make our church more inviting for guests. We've participated in the Lynbrook Memorial Day Parade and the fall Expo. We support many charities through Lutheran Social Services as well as through Seafarers International House, and other local and world-wide organizations.


The Congregational Council coordinates activities of the church and sets policy in areas not delegated to other committees. It has general oversight of the life and activities of the St. John-Incarnation congregation, and in particular its worship life, to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Word of God and the faith and practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Council responsibilities include:

  • Leading the congregation in stating its mission, doing long range planning, setting goals and priorities, and evaluating activities in light of its mission and goals
  • Seeking to involve all members of the congregation in worship, learning, witness, service and support
  • Financial and property matters of the congregation
  • Submitting a comprehensive report to the congregation at the annual meeting.

The Council normally meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 8pm. It consists of Pastor Alex Kennedy and up to fifteen members of St. John's congregation. 


The property committee of St. John-Incarnation Lutheran Church is the entire church membership. When guests and even members come to worship, what they should notice is that they don't notice anything needing care in our church, the grounds or our parsonage. We have a committee of volunteers, THE LAWN RANGERS, who maintain the outside grounds. Not only do our members mow the lawns but they also plant and maintain the flower beds, shrubs and memorial garden. The property of St. John-Incarnation Lutheran Church cannot be maintained without the help of the many who love our church, our place of worship and fellowship. All are welcome to be a part of the Lawn Rangers! Join us!

Stewardship and Finance

The Stewardship and Finance Committee consists of lay members who commit their time to manage the financial well being of the Church. In addition, programs are developed to educate our parishioners on the meaning of stewardship and to help our parishioners understand that stewardship involves time, talent as well as financial gifts. The Treasurer and Recording Financial Secretary are members of this committee.

The Committee meets monthly to discuss financial issues and prepare the budget for the Annual Congregational meeting. Monthly financial reports are prepared by the Treasurer and presented at the regular Church Council meetings.

The Treasurer's books and records are audited annually by individuals selected at the congregational meeting. An audit report is prepared and presented to the Church Council for approval.

Primary funding for the church is provided through offerings from our members. Each fall, the Committee sponsors a pledge drive where members are asked to make a financial commitment of their offerings for the coming year. These pledges are incorporated into the annual budget where they are budgetted to fund the ministries of the church.

Ask, and it will be given you, search and you will find, knock and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. Is there anyone among you who, if your child asks for bread, will give a stone? Or if the child asks for a fish, will give a snake. If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him! [Matthew 7:7-11]

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